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Know How Political Parties in Foreign Countries Take Election Donations?

Published25 April 2024

Every democratic nation has distinct laws governing election donations because concerns about political fundraising have been voiced periodically throughout the world. While American campaign finance law regulates contributions to candidates and political parties, other countries, such as England, America, and Australia, have established laws governing political donations that require donors to register with the appropriate authority if their contributions to political parties surpass a specific threshold. This guarantees election donation transparency. Furthermore, since 1910, it has been customary in many American and European nations to disclose the source and amount of funds received by political parties. In 2014, several European countries passed laws governing political party fundraising, such as donation caps and the requirement for timely disclosure of big contributions.

To gather money for their campaigns, political parties in America and Europe target large corporations, new businesses, and institutions. In addition, the media helps political parties raise money for their campaigns through crowdsourcing. There are two methods that candidates running for office in America raise money. The government uses the first approach, and private entities are used for the second, which involves raising funds. Candidates who prefer to use private money do so because of the stringent restrictions governing government funding, which prohibit candidates from claiming private funding after receiving government funding.

In America, there are two requirements for receiving government funding: You must be a well-liked candidate. A candidate's popularity is determined by how much money they can raise during the primary elections in 20 of the 50 states. Each state requires the candidate to gather five to five thousand dollars or a total of one lakh dollars. The candidate cannot spend more than $50,000 on elections, which is the second requirement. Aside from this, the Election Commission audit must include detailed records of all election-related expenses.

Party finances and election campaign funds are the same thing in Germany. In this case, political parties' activity also includes campaigning. The federal government here provides funding to major political parties. Government funding for political parties is determined by their relative importance, or by the total number of votes they receive. Political parties earned 200 million euros in funding from national taxes in 2021. A report claims that the government has raised the taxes.

Political parties receive a sizable amount of corporate and non-governmental donations, aside from subsidies. In addition, political parties receive funding from MPs, private and business parties, and party members.

Any political party in England, or the United Kingdom, is permitted to spend up to thirty thousand euros on a candidate. Here, political parties raise money for elections through loans, contributions, membership drives, and government support. Aside from this, candidates and political parties are subject to the same government fundraising regulations. The Political Parties Election and Referendum Act of 2000 regulates the funding of political parties and candidates in this case. In doing so, political corruption is lessened.

In Canada, the Election Expenses Act was passed in 1974. This Act governs the political party industry's operations. Under the Fund Regulation System, federal political parties run for office in these contests. The funding and expenditures of political parties and candidates are tracked using this method. Here, political parties are given a maximum of $1,500 in government and private (individual) funding per year. Aside from this, a donor who gives more than $200 must reveal his identity. Political parties receive a reimbursement of fifteen percent of the cash spent on government expenditures if they receive two percent of the vote and fifty percent of the funds spent if they receive ten percent of the vote.

Australia, the land of kangaroos, is subject to the Commonwealth Election Act of 1918. Funds received more than the prescribed amount are required to be

disclosed under this Act. The Act maintained the fund maximum at $14,500 for the period of July 1, 2021, to June 30, 2022. In this case, the Political Finance Act applies to the money that political parties receive. Every year, all political parties are required to submit returns to the Election Commission. A donor who wishes to contribute $1000 must notify the Election Commission. In addition, the government of this nation distributes election cash to the nation's political parties by the votes cast.

In South Korea, money for political parties comes from a variety of sources, including membership drives, donations, deposits, subsidies, funds established by the party's charter and regulations, etc. In addition, political supporters and fundraising organizations gather money for the candidates and provide it to them. Any party's supporters may give ten thousand Korean Won to the organization.

Political parties in France raise money from both the public and private sectors. In addition, political parties may raise money through donations and membership drives, among other means. Donations to parties may only total 7,500 euros. Political parties receive financing from the government based on the number of votes they receive.

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